2025 VBS ~ Wonder Junction
Marvel at Jesus, Live for His Glory
July 13 – 17, 2025
Starting Time: 6:15pm
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View the Wonder Junction Promotional Video
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Join us in a world of wonder that will delight our senses while captivating our hearts and minds at The Great Jungle Journey: An Epic Cruise from Genesis to Revelation”.
With this VBS, we will make stops at seven ports of call along the way – each starting with a C. These represent seven key biblical events – the 7 C’s of History
Day 1: Creation
Our first C takes us back to the beginning of time and the creation of the universe when it was all good. Did the universe start with a big bang or did God create it?
Day 2: Corruption and Catastrophe
Next, Adam sinned, which affected his descendants, who were so wicked that God sent a global flood as judgment for their sin.
Day 3: Confusion
The fourth C checks out the events that began at the tower of Babel. Can this be where all the people groups originated from?
Day 4: Christ and the Cross
At these stops, we realize once again that man is sinful and needs a Savior, Halleluiah. God provides one in his Son!
Day 5: Consummation
The last C shows the thrilling conclusion to history when all goes back to very good again, and – best news ever – God wins against sin and Satan.
Jungle Jam Assembly
Excitement and adventure await from the first minute of each day when kids meet in travel groups. The groups gather at the Jungle Jam Assembly, a high-energy beginning that includes wacky intros, lively songs, a Mission Moment and prayer.
Then they are off to rotate through various sites.
Finally, everyone heads back to the Jungle Jam Assembly for the closing, where there’s more singing, contest results, and the highly anticipated daily drama. This follows a jungle river cruise that plans to make stops at different ports of call but faces a catastrophe that affects the plan, resulting in lots of unexpected rainforest adventures. Prepare to swing into the fun as we head out on our jungle river cruise. See you in the rainforest!
Family Fellowship Meal
There will be a family fellowship meal for all family members prior to the 2024 VBS The Great Jungle Journey event each evening. The meal starting time will be 5:15pm. We look forward to seeing each of you for a meal and fellowship prior to our event.
Please register each member of your family joining us for dinner, participating in VBS and the adult sessions so that we can plan for the event appropriately. This will ensure we have sufficient food for the meal and materials for each session. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Children Registration
Children Registration:
Please pre-register each child that will be attending our 2025 VBS event. This will help us plan for your arrival and speed up the onboarding process so that you do not need to stand in line. We also need to make sure we have enough food for your family. We are looking forward to seeing you for the Keepers of the Kingdom.
Register your child HERE: or Return to Top of Page
Volunteer Registration
Volunteer Registration:
We need Volunteers of His Kingdom to help us serve the children for their VBS experience. If you are willing to assist us a few hours, a day or each day please register and let us know your interest so we may plan and place you in an area you would enjoy being with the children.
Register as a volunteer HERE: or Return to Top of Page
Transformation Volunteer
Transformation Sunday Setup Volunteer
We need volunteers to help us setup Sunday, July 13 afternoon to ready for the beginning of the 2025 VBS Event beginning at 6:15pm. If you are willing to assist us in these setup activities please signup so we may contact you and plan for your lunch.
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2025 VBS Content Overview
Day 1 | All is Good | Day 2 | All Sin | Day 3 | All in Confusion | Day 4 | Savior for All Who Believe | Day 5 | All is Good Again | |
Bible Passages | Genesis 1 | Genesis 3 | Genesis 11 | Various Scriptures | Revelation 21-22 | |||||
Memory Verse | Genesis 1:1 | Psalm 14:3 | Genesis 11:9 | John 1:12 | Revelation 21:4 | |||||
Colors | Green | Dark and Blue | Gray | White and Red | Yellow | |||||
Animal Pals | Eden the Green Parrot | ![]() | Tox the Blue Poison Dart Frog | ![]() | Scatter the Silverback Gorilla | ![]() | Rose the Pink River Dolphin | ![]() | Bliss the Bird-Wing Butterfly | ![]() |
Apologetics Content | Examining how it all began - man's ideas or God's Word? | Examining the reality of a global flood | Examining where the people groups came from | Examining the need for a Savior | Examining how it turns out in the end | |||||
Tree-mendous Crafts | Face Planter My Bug Jar | Straw Serpent Rainy Day Rain Gauge | Tricky Triangle Game Toothpick Tower | Christmas Ornament Easter Diorama | 7 C's Bracelet or Necklace Beautiful Butterfly |
Tree-mendous Science | Order and Disorder Stack the Layers | Fallen Foliage Catastrophic Eruption | Skin-Deep Tower Test | Don't Eat Me Ring Around a Tree | Cycling in the Jungle Good Again |
Rainforest Recreation | Jungle Obstacle Course Sea & Sky Tag | Rainy Relays Tox Tag | Confusing Competitions Babel Bricks | Capture the Gifts Cross Kickball | Seven C's Splash Coconut Launch |
Canopy Cafe Snacks | Dirt Dessert Forest Fruit | Serpent Snack Tree Treat | Shades of Pudding Parfaits Wacky Mixed-Up Trail Mix | Gospel Goodies Nativity Nibbles | 7 C's Boat Colorful Bites |
Cool Contests | Guess the Beetle Bugs | Team Spirit Day | yaD sdrawkcaB | 7 C's Scavenger Hunt | Mission Money Mania |
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What is the VBS cost this year?
There is no charge for this event.
Will you have childcare?
We will not have childcare for children under 2 years of age unless one of your family members are helping us serve the children during the 2024 VBS Event. If you would be interested in helping us serve the children please contact Michael Eicher or Mary Clark.
What are the VBS program hours?
The pre-school children program (Age 2-5) will begin at 6:15pm and end at 8:15pm.
The school-age children program (Grade 1-6) will begin at 6:15pm and end at 8:20pm.
The adult program will begin at 6:15pm and end at 8:00pm. This will be a program for parents and grandparents with the specific topic to be introduced in the coming weeks.
Who can come?
Everyone! Attendance at our Capital Kids 2025 VBS event is open to all community children and families. The adult sessions are open to all parents and grandparents. We look forward to meeting each family attending.
2025 VBS Typical Schedule for Children
To utilize the time we have as efficiently as possible we will follow a general schedule. Sometimes we may make last-minute changes due to the weather or other things that may come up. Below is a typical day for each age group:
Pre-School (Age 2-5)
- Rotation 1 – Opening Celebration – 6:15 – 6:35pm
- Rotation 2 – Snack / Mission – 6:35 – 7:00pm
- Rotation 3 – Crafts – 7:00 – 7:25pm
- Rotation 4 – Bible Story – 7:25 – 7:50pm
- Rotation 5 – Games – 7:50 – 8:15pm
Rotation 1 will be a full-group experience of worship and celebration.
Rotation 2 – 5 will be small groups of not more than 10 children to a group on a rotational schedule so each child will participate in each rotation each evening.
Elementary School-Age (Grade 1-6)
- All Aboard Assembly – 6:15 – 6:35pm
- High Point Bible Time – 6:40 – 7:15pm
- Rotation 1 – Carpenter Joe Science – 7:20 – 7:40pm
- Rotation 2 – Carpenter Joe Crafts – 7:40 – 8:00pm
- All Aboard Assembly – 8:05 – 8:20pm
- Check-out – 8:20pm
The All Aboard Assembly will be a full-group experience of worship and celebration.
Rotation 1 and 2 will be small groups by grade and each child will participate in each rotation each evening.
The Final All Aboard Assembly will be a full-group experience for closing each evening.
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Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions:
- Did God really create everything?
- Why do bad things happen?
- Was Noah’s ark real?
- Why do I need to be saved?
- Can I trust the Bible?
At this VBS, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation. Amid sloths, butterflies, river dolphins, and dart frogs, your children will sail along on a fun jungle cruise, stopping at seven ports of call. These ports are the 7 C’s of History:
- Creation
- Corruption
- Catastrophe
- Confusion
- Christ
- Cross
- Consummation
Kids will discover how these events shape our world, and they will learn to reconnect the Bible to their everyday life.
Prepare to swing into fun as we head out on The Great Jungle Journey!
Experience God’s Word
This incredible VBS will equip children to think biblically so they can see through the lies of the enemy and hold fast to truth, wearing and wielding the armor of God.
With daily Bible content the children will experience God’s word in a big way because the daily Bible Point is carefully integrated into each activity. God’s Word comes alive through engaging interaction with Bible History!
Day 1
- Bible Point: All is Good
- Animal Pal: Eden the Green Parrot
- Lesson Focus: We cruise to our first C of history – Creation – and head back to the beginning of the universe.
Day 2
- Bible Point: All Sin
- Animal Pal: Tox the Blue Poison Dart Frog
- Lesson Focus: Net come Corruption and Catastrophe as sin enters the world and affects everyone.
Day 3
- Bible Point: All in Confusion
- Animal Pal: Scatter the Silverback Gorilla
- Lesson Focus: The fourst C – Confusion – checks out the world-altering events that began at the tower of Babel.
Day 4
- Bible Point: Savior for All Who Believe
- Animal Pal: Rose the Pink River Dolphin
- Lesson Focus: Christ and the Cross are the next stops. The gospel is shared today.
Day 5
- Bible Point: All is Good Again
- Animal Pal: Bliss the Bird-Wing Butterfly
- Lesson Focus: The last C – Consummation – shows that Gode wins and all goes back to very good again.
Adult / Parent Event ~ Connected Families Workshop
Parenting is complicated. The Connected Family Parenting Workshop will provide you with an easy to remember framework that simplifies your parenting. It will help you become a more thoughtful and more intentional parent.
The discipline of misbehaving children can be hard and overwhelming. When you apply the techniques in this workshop you will feel empowered to confidently lead your child and connect with them in a more meaningful way.
The framework consists of the following four principles:
- CORRECT – Galatians 6:1 ~ You are responsible for your actions.
- COACH – Ephesians 6:4 ~ You are called and capable.
- CONNECT – Malachi 4:6; Luke 1:17 ~ You are loved no matter what.
- FOUNDATION – Ephesians 1:3 ~ You are safe with me.
Watch this video for more information:
Register for the Connected Families Workshop HERE:
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